
Project Recipe » Genealogy Activity Books for Kids

Sindi Terrien, Projectkin member and author of "Genealogy Fun While Developing New Genealogists" shares how you can create an Activity Book for kids based on your own family history

Earlier this evening I had the pleasure of hosting Sindi Broussard Terrien of My Many Mothers and Finding a Publisher to talk about how to create a kids’ Activity Book from your own family history materials.

Whatever the passion or mystery that fueled you in your pursuit of family stories and records, it’s a fair bet that one of your goals is to share your stories and records with future generations. Sindi’s work is focused on just that challenge. The secret, as she shares in this recording, is to know your audience and make Genealogy fun for them.

Sindi’s talk picks up where her book Genealogy Fun While Developing New Genealogists leaves off. You’ll find the transcript for the talk above ☝️ and below 👇 you’ll find a PDF of the slides.

Presentation Fun With Genealogy Family Version
26.3MB ∙ PDF file

As a fellow Projectkin, Sindi has also shared details about this project in the form of a Project Recipe highlighting the procedural steps and insights she’s gained from creating these projects herself.

Project Recipe | Making Genealogy Activity Books For Kids Jan 18 2024
2.07MB ∙ PDF file

In addition to Sindi’s prepared remarks, she also shared a few resources in response to questions:

This list is hardly exhaustive. Do you have some resources to suggest? Have questions, thoughts, or comments? Share them in comments below or in the Members’ Chat Room.

This recipe is intended for the benefit of all Projectkin member subscribers. : 

If you’ve managed to find this — and are not yet a member, we’ve caught you at a good time. Join now!

Since so much of family history is about sharing with younger generations, projects for kids has become an important theme for us. Here are two other Project Recipes that might also be of interest to you:

MORE coming events:

Next month, Projectkin member Kerri Kearney returns to share a family history project she created with her kids and extended family “A Family Cookbook Spanning Five Generations.” To get free tickets and learn about more Projectkin events in the coming weeks, see:

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