
Project Recipe » A Scavenger Hunt for Ancestors

In a creative approach by long-time community member, Anna Scheutz, has used scavenger hunts to give children and extended family a way to engage with the stories of their ancestors, here's how!

These project recipe events have become central to what we do here at Projectkin. They give us a way to share — in detail — what makes a family history project work.

Today’s event centered on the idea of an interactive, multigenerational activity and was led by Projectkin member Anna Scheutz. Anna had mentioned these during one of our more creative Project Clinic events. With a few requests, she agreed to share the idea here in a project recipe.

From the recording above and the linked transcript, I’ll call out a few important notes:

  • The concept of the “scavenger hunt” can be extended to any number of special situations. What’s important it be engaging and bring the family together with shared connections — some they might not even have all known about.

  • While making it a little competitive with teams can spur everyone on to focus on the effort, be cautious about keeping it fun. That can mean constructing teams to balance knowledge and taking care to tell stories of family branches that connect with your audience.

  • You can even turn the idea on its head to have it become more of a quiz bowl, trivia contest, Jeopardy event, or more. Always keep in mind that it should be fun or even funny.

  • Most of all — have a good time.

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