
Cloth Stories » Transforming Your Research into Fabric Art with Lynda Heines

In this final Project Recipe event of the year, textile artist, genealogist, and Projectkin member, Lynda Heines shares her approach to the art of storytelling using fabric.

Stories have been told in fabric since the first quilts, tartans, and weavings left from their creator’s hands.

, one of our long-time Projectkin members and publisher of , shares her fabric-based storytelling approach in today's program. For years, Lynda shared family stories in scrapbooks, but she was hooked once she found her way into fabric. On her site, LyndaHeines.com, you can see the breadth of her work, including dying techniques and various project types.

Lynda weaves her directions into today’s video presentation as a project recipe. You’ll find her slides here:

Cloth Stories (Slides)
8.02MB ∙ PDF file
Reference the links and flow of Lynda's presentation here in her slides.

Additionally, her slides included a couple of videos. First, a book with a tab binding she used to celebrate “Bampie and Mayo.”

Lynda further referenced a fabric book she put together to celebrate the visit of friends in a “Recycled Jeans Fabric Book,” This is the video she played during her talk. You’ll find more of her videos on YouTube @LyndaHeines

During the conversation that followed, further resources were referenced, including:

You’ll find Lynda’s substack at

. You can also reach Lynda directly via a direct message on Substack (visit Substack Chat, select the new icon, and enter ). You can also email her directly here: 👇

Email Lynda

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