As small gatherings, these Project Clinics have taken on a tone of familiarity and support. In today’s program, we covered not only project ideas but also tips on the everyday tools we use to complete these projects.
Among the ideas tossed around was. brilliant insight from Kathy Stone to record herself reading her now-grown twin son’s favorite books. Using a QR code, she’d link that recording to the book with a simple QR code. Maybe Christmas ornaments she’s working on for each of them… She would read “Twas the Night Before Christmas” each Christmas Eve when they were little.
Did I get that right? We were all so excited about the idea, I almost forgot whose idea it was. That’s how these sessions roll. Here’s the chat transcript (That’s a Google Doc, LMK if this is a problem.)
Would there be an interest in a Tour session through Substack? I'm sorting through ideas for programming in Q1. 👋 Have ideas? Drop me a note.
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