Announcing: “All About That Place, Pacific Edition” for the Americas + Asia/Pac
Projectkin is thrilled to partner with the UK Society of Genealogists to extend the family and local history event of the year to the Pacific with 5 hour-long, live events from 27-Sept to 6-Oct 2024!

Projectkin in “All About That Place” for 2024 #AATP24
For 2024, we’re delighted to celebrate the role of “place” in family history by sponsoring a new Pacific Edition of the Society of Genealogists’ 2024 challenge program, “All About That Place,” from September 27 to October 6, 2024.
The Society of Genealogists will present this remarkable event in collaboration with the Society for One-Place Studies, the British Association for Local History, and various generous sponsors. Learn more here.
Now Available: All About That Place, Pacific Edition agenda.
The program is entirely online and features an array of speakers in short, pre-recorded talks released once an hour from 8 AM to 8 PM London time for ten days. As each recording is released, the community jumps in with lively discussions on YouTube and Facebook.
The creative approach the team behind “All About That Place” pioneered is delightful, but it presents a time challenge for participants on the other side of the planet…
8 AM in London is midnight along the Pacific coast of the Americas.
8 PM in London is 3 AM in Western Australia and Singapore.
Pacific Edition, from the other side of the planet.
We were delighted to help by hosting a new Pacific edition of “All About That Place” programming from our home base in Berkeley, California.
Places, like characters, have been at the core of Projectkin’s project-based storytelling since the beginning.
To complement the Society of Genealogists’ 10-day program, Projectkin will create a time window for live programs better suited to Anglophones on the Pacific side of the globe. We’ll call it the “Pacific Edition” and schedule programs for 1 to 3 speakers on each of 5 days starting at midnight in London—which on this side of the world is…
In the Americas, 4/7 PM—Pacific/Eastern Time
And, given the international dateline, a day ahead in
In Asia and the South Pacific, 7/9/11 AM—AWST/AEST/NZ (+1 day)
Our Twist: 5 days with all events, live & interactive!
The creative team at All About That Place came up with the delight of “bite-sized talks” to share what you know. Sharing them as recordings each hour made them simple and fun. Space for discussion on Facebook and YouTube created a community in the comments.
The All About That Place Pacific Edition will add five hours of programming to the series. Each hour-long Pacific Edition event will…
Include one to three speakers.
Be held over Zoom with a live audience to encourage a lively discussion.
Be recorded, with recordings, notes, and resources shared with the public for free through both…
All About That Place channels on YouTube and Facebook and
A special AATP24 section on
Are you interested in giving a Talk About That Place?
Talks can be tailored to 10-, 20-, or 40-minutes so that we have at least 20 minutes of discussion per hour-long program. We’ll use a scheduling tool to match speakers to available slots, creating a calendar for our one-hour live sessions. Speakers are welcome to present more than one talk, but given our limited number of available slots, we’ll try to accommodate all speakers first.1
Note: We appreciate all that goes into preparing these programs and you’ll have our gratitude and a joyous celebration of your work—but we have no funds to offer you an honorarium for the effort. Please understand that Projectkin is a not-for-profit organization without the luxury of a fund-raising staff. All contributions through our Buy Me A Coffee initiative go toward operations so that we can offer all of our programming for free.
Topics & Themes
To encourage speakers, the All About That Place team has defined eight generous topic days plus days for introductions and sharing findings.
⦿ Health and Medicine
⦿ Military and War
⦿ Leisure and Entertainment
⦿ Town and Country
⦿ Innovation
⦿ Politics and Rights
⦿ Collections and Archives
⦿ Tools
We’ll organize our talks on these topics for our Pacific Edition. Since our programs will be live, we’re allowing more flexibility with three length options that allow room for discussion during the hour each day:
10-minutes (Up to 3 talks per program day.)
20-minutes (Up to 2 talks per program day.)
40-minutes (Just one per program day.)
PLEASE NOTE: Speakers have now been chosen and the schedule is now set and viewable from our event calendar at
While our final selection of days may depend on our speakers, we’ve tentatively planned for each program to begin at 4 PM PT, 7 PM ET, 9 AM AEST, and 7 AM AWST on these days (see dates on a calendar here):
Friday, Sept. 27—Americas | Saturday, Sept. 28—Asia/Pac
Saturday, Sept. 28—Americas | Sunday, Sept. 29—Asia/Pac
Tuesday, Oct. 1—Americas | Wednesday, Oct. 2—Asia/Pac
Thursday, Oct. 3—Americas | Friday, Oct. 4—Asia/Pac
Saturday, Oct. 5—Americas | Sunday, Oct. 6—Asia/Pac
Planning which topics to cover on which days will require a little Jenga-like balance, but the Projectkin community has already proven that we’re up to it. A few speakers have already stepped up to speak, so we’re inviting the larger Projectkin community to join the fun.
You do not have to be a Projectkin member to participate.2 In the event of oversubscription, we will do our best to make sure that all speakers have an opportunity to speak before accepting more than one talk per speaker.
Want to be a speaker?
To be considered for a 10-, 20-, or 40-minute speaking slot during the All About That Place Pacific Edition program3, please complete this simple form to tell us:
Your draft topic title and a description of how you see it fitting in with the themes and “All About That Place.”
How long are you prepared to speak (10-, 20-, or 40 minutes)?
Which of the dates will work for you?
Do you care to share feedback or ideas?
How to reach you?
Please submit your topic idea as soon as possible.
Given the idea's immediate popularity, we anticipate being oversubscribed. All proposals must be submitted using the button below no later than August 15, 2024 (midnight Pacific time in the Americas)4
Members’ Corner Theme Too!
To complement the #AATP24, we’ll also launch a “Place” theme to our Members’ Corner. You can explore the Members’ Corner and learn about submitting articles here. Projectkin members should watch for a more detailed announcement about the Members’ Corner “Place” theme.
Projectkin Events
If Projectkin is new to you, we’d be delighted to welcome you into our community. To learn more, visit us at We host events almost every week covering a range of topics related to creative projects to share your family history stories. See our list of upcoming events. You can also…
As a member of Projectkin, you’re more than welcome to join us any of several speaking and writing opportunities. Learn more about our Members’ Corner, Project Recipes, and Project Festivals.
Remember that becoming a Projectkin member is completely free, and we’d love to have you. 😉
Speaking opportunities for the full series presented hourly just closed at the end of June. Learn more at All About That Place
If we’re oversubscribed, I may close the submission date early. If I do, I’ll get a one-week notice out to all Projectkin members. If you are interested, sign up for a free membership and stay updated.
This is very exciting. Pondering a topic to submit. I love the focus on places for a change from my usual focus on people....
I have a One Place Study and attended the first All About That Place last year. It was a wonderful conference and I learnt so much . Looking forward to it this year.