
Tutorial Tuesday » Using Metadata with Caroline Guntur of OrganizingPhotos.net

With her unique perspective and skillset, Caroline Guntur joined us for a conversation metadata in family history. Consolidate and backup first, then plan your workflow. It's all about stories.

Caroline Guntur of OrganizingPhotos.net did not disappoint with her trademark focus on the practicalities that will help you untangle a mess of photos to get to an ordered collection you can use and you can share with extended family as a legacy.

Our conversation took us from what got her into genealogy and photography and the storytelling hook that pulled her through it all.

We don’t get very technical except to lay the groundwork for files and types of metadata, most importantly the difference between EXIF data and IPTC fields available for you to use. Included is a discussion of file naming as well as the IPTC fields she likes to use including

  • title

  • headline

  • caption

  • plus keywords to cover elements that will be powerful to search like names, locations, maps, and generic topics like reunions.

For a deeper discussion of these topics, I’d strongly encourage you to explore her recent 5-part series on Metadata:

  1. The Only Way to Prevent Metadata Inconsistencies in Your Family Photo Archive

  2. 8 Factors that Define Naming Conventions in Your Photo Metadata Strategy

  3. Use These 7 IPTC Metadata Fields in Your Family Photo Archive

  4. Handling Photo Locations & Historical Border Changes

  5. How to Choose between Multiple Languages in Your Family History Archive

In passing,

mentioned Caroline’s excellent course

To get started, you can also explore the free video series she offers as a three-part framework for digital photo organizing.