Since so many of us are participating in RootsTech remotely, why not do it together? Join me in this Project Party🎉 Today I’m announcing the RootsTech "Project Party" with talks and commentary, shared each day of the show, Feb 29th to Mar 2nd.
I've managed to get the events onto my Google Calendar. My iCal is not cooperative, argh. ICal is how I share my events with family so they know I'm BUSY, lol.
🤔 Gosh darn it, managing calendars is one of the hardest challenges across our devices. Seriously, it really is! I hate to have you futzing with it to debug the Google v. Apple challenge. For the moment, the best I can suggest is you manually add it to iCal and include the all-important event link (Google meet links always include a pattern of letters as in "" ⏎ that's not real, of course).
Though I can't do it before RootsTech without risking the success of our 🎉 party, I am re-evaluating the way we're using Eventbrite and Google Meet. As always I'm on the lookout for alternatives. Stay tuned. 😉
I've managed to get the events onto my Google Calendar. My iCal is not cooperative, argh. ICal is how I share my events with family so they know I'm BUSY, lol.
🤔 Gosh darn it, managing calendars is one of the hardest challenges across our devices. Seriously, it really is! I hate to have you futzing with it to debug the Google v. Apple challenge. For the moment, the best I can suggest is you manually add it to iCal and include the all-important event link (Google meet links always include a pattern of letters as in "" ⏎ that's not real, of course).
Though I can't do it before RootsTech without risking the success of our 🎉 party, I am re-evaluating the way we're using Eventbrite and Google Meet. As always I'm on the lookout for alternatives. Stay tuned. 😉