
Project Recipe: Weaving a Grandmother's Letters into a Story » Kathryn Graven

In this very special program we had the opportunity to hear from a published memoirist while she's crafting the story for her next book. Explore the recording, and the many resources she shared.

Kathryn Graven, author of “Memoirs of a Mask Maker” did not disappoint with her talk today. She deftly combined the heart of her grandmother Helen’s story with the professional craft of storytelling.

Tap the “Transcript” button to read along or even search the transcript of the recording to pick up on details you might have missed during the live program.

Kathryn was kind enough to share the structure of her talk ahead of time in a form that elegantly fell into a letter to all of us as a community. You won’t want to miss this. As a nod to our Projectkin community, it even includes one of her grandmother Helen’s recipes, a cucumber salad.

Letter To Projectkin From Kathryn Graven
11MB ∙ PDF file
Kathryn was kind enough to share the structure of her talk ahead of time in a form that elegantly fell into a letter for all of us as a community. You won't want to miss this. As a nod to our Projectkin.org community, it even includes one of her grandmother Helen's recipes, a cucumber salad.

During her talk, Kathryn referenced a number of resources you may find helpful:

To learn more about Kathryn, her first book, and other creative work, please visit:

Note: The conversation triggered all kinds of interesting discussions we’ll carry into other elements of our

, including…

  • Ideas for a future event on getting private, self-published books printed. Learn more about this in upcoming events at Projectkin.org/events

  • Have ideas for future events we should consider, share them in the comments 👇 or drop me a note:

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