
Story Magic: Reframing family history storytelling in Projects

It's time for a mindshift in how we go about our family history storytelling. The explosion in project forms we can use means it's time to think first about “why” before starting on any project.

With just over a year of exploring ideas as Projectkin.org, it seemed time to circle back and share the larger picture about the storytelling hook that has motivated the endeavor. As the

, we’re on a campaign to get families to share their stories.

Big or small, family stories are important to capture and preserve for future generations, adding our stories to those we’ve inherited from generations before us. Your stories may only be contained in artifacts with little context or identifications, or they might be published in a written narrative arc. As you work to share your own stories today, you uniquely have an opportunity to share your stories in ways our ancestors never dreamed of.

Today, your stories might be biographies of family members dating back generations — but they might also be modern, interactive, digital projects. This talk attempts to reframe how we look at family history storytelling to encourage everyone to dive in and explore how they might contribute to the storytelling arc of their own family.

Story Magic, Nov 14, Slides, Projectkin
5.33MB ∙ PDF file
Feel free to explore these slides to better understand the presentation. Please do not share them independently of the recording. For questions, please drop me a note at projectkin.org@gmail.com

Given the nature of this talk, many others outside of the Projectkin community may find it helpful. Please feel free to share it with others:


References & Resources

During the talk, I referred to several tools and terms used in modern platform product design, including:

I hope you enjoyed this program, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts. I’m particularly interested in the idea of “small projects” that came up during the discussion. Do you have examples to add?

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