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Kathy's Corner » Members Ask: “I digitized my photos, now what?” » May 2024

Projectkin's own Kathy Stone, a professional photo organizer, now mostly retired from client work answers practical questions from members trying to manage their own photo collections.


’s careful preparation and focus, we were a rowdy bunch today. Perhaps a consequence of too much birthday partying. 😉

Today’s session focused on answers to questions submitted to Kathy’s prompt earlier in the week. We started with two key topics:

How to clean photos and slides:

  • Dust Removal

    • Microfibre cloth

    • Air Blower

    • Antistatic Brush

    • Electric Duster

  • Glue, Sticky Substances

    • UnDu

    • Pec Pads

    • Pec Solution

    • Rubber Cement Eraser

This second question led to a little fun debate and an broader conversation about the direction of these technologies and how we can best support each other.

What to do with Scan Files?

  • Gather and make working сору

  • Rename files - date, event


  • Change File date

  • Add Keyword - scanned

  • Move files from working copy to organized location

Do you have more to add? Please post them in the comments, or share them with other members and your followers in Notes.

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