I agree with your "not destructive" thoughts on archival photos. I have a work around which is to first title the archival photo and include in its description "ORIG". I then make digital copies of that photo to work with for any changes that I make and save them with an identical title, leaving off ORIG and occasionally adding something like "colorized" or "enhanced" so that it is obvious that I have worked with that photo. It does take more storage space so that is always something to keep in mind, but I have used this system for many years and it works for me. Thanks for all your thoughts and best practice tips!

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That's a great idea, Karla and operationally feels like approach many of us used for managing documents back in the days before Google Doc.

I'd start with the document name adding "V.1" at the end, let it circulate for comments and have each commenter send it back with their initials added at the end, so V.1+BT would be my comments on V.1, but if Someone Else made comments on my version it would be V.1+BT+SE, etc.

Simple ideas like this can be a huge productivity boost. I think the key to it is realizing that our computer operating systems search titles very, very quickly. Searching images or metadata can require specialized tools.

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